Sunday, October 26, 2014


     Let me tell you about a girl I met last year. Her name is Hakani which means "Smile." Hakani was born in 1995 deep in the Amazonian forests of Brazil. When Hakani was two years old she was still unable to walk or talk. Like many tribes in the Amazonian jungles, Hakani's tribe believed that babies born with deformities or disabilities were cursed and should be killed for the good of the tribe. Hakani's parents were ordered to bury her alive. She was knocked unconscious and placed in what was soon to become her grave as her parents placed the first shovel-full of dirt over her face.

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     Atheists say there is no God. Muslims say there's a God but he doesn't love his people. Hindus say there are many gods and Christians say they believe in the one and only true God who created the heavens and the earth. But everyone; man, woman, and child; professor at Princeton or aboriginal from South America; can agree that there is both right and wrong. Regardless of what we are taught, where we live, what we believe, or circumstances endured, there is some sort of moral code imprinted in the very fiber of our beings. We have a sense of right and wrong, a conscience that causes us to react to injustices administered upon us, to lash out when we have experienced an unfairness. But here's the problem, even though we can agree that "right" and "wrong" exist, we can't agree on universal definitions for either term. What is considered to be heinously unjust in one culture (cannibalism) is entirely permissible in another. Factions of government and political parties dispute laws and policies, families quarrel within neighborhoods, individuals scream at each other from car windows and glare from behind heaping shopping carts. We all have different definitions of right and wrong based on what we're taught, where we live, who we socialize with, what religion we believe, and what we try to decide for ourselves. But there's another problem. Actually, it's not just "another problem" it happens to be the problem: we're human. Even if we could agree on what right and wrong should look like in our society and establish guidelines accordingly, we wouldn't follow them. Give humanity just one rule and we'll twist it, tweak it, disobey it and break it; not just by accident but with creativity and flare like it's a competition and we deserve "style points" for excessive depravity. History can shed further light on what we refer to as "human nature".

     Okay, I have a point and Hakani is actually part of it but bear with me for just a moment longer. So far we can agree that everyone has a sense of right and wrong. But, we can't always agree on what right and wrong should look like and then on top of that no one's perfect. Moving on.

     The 50 United States of America are currently populated with a generation of young people who don't know who God is, don't know who man is, and have been taught that truth is relative and not absolute. This misinformation and lack of knowledge has conjured up a brand of society characterized with an arresting amount of greed, corruption and injustice in which we (Christians) have decided to exist listlessly inside the comfort of our church walls. As a nation we've embraced all cultures, all religions, all creeds and ways of life and stamped them with validity under the banner of tolerance and acceptance. All anyone has to do to be "right" is live in America, land of the free and home of the brave.

     Our nation was born out of the pursuit of religious freedom and founded by Godly men who served the people with a legislature that produced laws based on Biblical principles, the result of which was prosperity and power, blessing and favor. The day has come, that we no longer have that favor. Not only have we turned away from the hand that has fed us faithfully for generation after generation, we've turned on it with hatred like a dog snarling at an abusive owner. Families are broken, churches are turned inward, education is faltering, entertainment is increasingly unwholesome, media are biased and lack integrity, our economy is unstable, and our government continually fails to recognize its purpose. This is not an indivisible nation under God. This is a nation divided against itself, depleted of blessing, unyielding in its wickedness and unwilling to listen to wisdom and reason. This is a doomed nation, an eagle that's scratched out its own eyes.

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    Some time after Hakani was buried alive, her fifteen-year old brother dug her up and removed her tiny body from the dirt. To his astonishment, he saw that she was still breathing and quickly carried her on his back, deep into the jungle away from the village. She was soon discovered and eventually adopted by two missionaries who took her to a hospital where she was diagnosed and treated for a thyroid condition. News that Hakani was alive traveled back to her village along with the knowledge of modern medicine and hospitals.

     Today, Hakani is happy and healthy and living in the US with her parents, Marcia and Edson Suzuki. Hakani's tribe, the Suruwaha, no longer kill deformed or disabled children and because of Hakani's story, the Brazilian government is in the process of passing a law against infanticide although there is some opposition from cultural anthropologists that say infanticide is a tribal tradition that shouldn't be interfered upon for the sake of preserving indigenous cultures.

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     Murdering a two-year old infant is wrong. However, the stark reality is that in America we're not quite sure if it really is, and now what it comes down to is the question of "who has the loudest voice?" The 1960's are known for drugs. Did everyone alive in the 1960's do drugs? Nope. Actually, statistically speaking very few people did, but the minority who did do drugs claimed an entire decade of our history in their memory because they had the loudest voice. Right now these cultural anthropologists have the loudest voice; the voice that says culture, circumstance and individuality supersede morals and justice; the voice that says "expression of self" takes precedence over the preservation of truth; that happiness is achieved through instant gratification at the expense of marriage and families; that there's no such thing as universal truth but rather what's true for you might not be true for me and that the definitions of "right" and "wrong" are relative and subject to interpretation; that the right to choose is more important than the right to life. This voice is the voice of someone who wants to steal, kill and destroy our nation.

     But there's good news. Our Savior Jesus Christ, Son of the most high God, whose still, small, voice is louder than any voice of Satan's, rose again after three days conquering sin and death and He's on our side because He loves us and He has plans for each one of us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us hope and a future. So in the name of Jesus Christ, it's time to stand up for truth. It's time to act on what we believe, or at least just believe what we say we believe. It's time to take matters into our hands by putting them into God's. It's time to rescue our Hakani. Let's transform the United States of America.

     The first step is understanding that the Bible is true, not just for Christians, not because we believe it's true, but because it's God's word. The Bible is true whether we believe it or not and it holds the answers to our nation's problems, not just our daily dilemmas and emotional insecurities. Christianity is the cure, we have the answers. Just because Americans have the right to practice different religions doesn't mean that all religions should be practiced. Just because we have the right, doesn't make it right. God is real, the only way to heaven is through Jesus. And if choosing to believe that seems like your being self-righteous, hypocritical, disrespectful of others and their beliefs, intolerant, unloving, closed-minded, ignorant, old-fashioned, disillusioned or stupid, then congratulations. You're on your way to step two.

     The second step is rejecting the lies that the world says about our religion: "...Christianity is outdated...a cancer in our society...limits progress...a breeding ground for ignorance and intolerance...okay for some people but not for me." TV, school, work, music, and every other element of life in the US, attempts to coerce us into believing these lies. Whether it's through an underlying theme, a subtle nudge, or a blatant declaration, we're trained to worship progress, success, products of man, man himself, and deny the existence and relevance of our Creator, our Origin, our very reason for living, the one and only true God. And if you're having trouble refuting these lies then it's probably time to dig deep and figure out why you say you're a Christian and choose whether you're going to believe the lies Satan has fed society or the truth that sets us free. And that leads us to step three.

     The third step to transforming America is to "be the change you want to see." Cliché but true.
 Jesus says in Matthew 28:18, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..." We have the truth, we have the answers, we have the cure for our diseased society, and now we have permission from God to share his love, teach his word, and for all intents and purposes, be Jesus to the world...and change it. If we look at our lives, we see a miniature model of what God's plan is for our country. We see our life without God, full of sin and darkness and then, we witness the transforming power that follows a simple decision of surrender and our life is radically changed. We're made new. We're rooted in the spirit and we bear fruit accordingly. We love our neighbor, we take joy in our salvation, we have peace that surpasses understanding, we wait patiently upon the Lord, we're kind to one another, we speak of God's goodness, we're made righteous through faith, our gentle answers turn away wrath, and the fruits of the Spirit are more plentiful the more we wrestle our selfishness into submission. Transformation starts at a personal level.

     If you wish our government would start trusting God, start trusting God with your money. If you're appalled at what's on TV, don't watch it. If you're frustrated with what your kids are learning in school, teach them at home or start supplementing their education with the Bible, give them the tools they need for discernment. If you want good leaders in office, be a good leader in your home. If you're tired of our government being divided on every issue, stop considering divorce as an option for your marriage. If you want our nation to turn to God, turn to God yourself. If you want to see radical change in our country, expect radical change in your life and in your family first. ...And pray. Prayer actually has power.

     Three things that are basically two but also three or maybe four, to transform The United States of America according to Brice Livingston: believe that the Bible is true, stop believing lies, and have a relationship with Jesus Christ. And pray.

     Sometimes it bothers me that America sends out missionaries. It's like offering to weed your neighbor's flower bed when not only does your own flower bed need weeding, but your house is on fire and your dad just had a heart attack. So instead of dialing 911 or locating your increasingly useless fire extinguisher, you slowly walk across the street, kneel down in the dirt and put on some gardening gloves. But maybe that's what Jesus would do if Jesus had a flower bed and weeds and a house on fire and a tiny fire extinguisher and a dad with a...heart. Oh.

     It bothers me that my home is in danger. It bothers me that the country I love might be on the brink of non-existence or enslavement or ruin or something terribly, terribly...bad. And maybe it's not. But I really think it is. Or will be soon if things don't change. It scares me and makes me sad.

      Dear God, thank you for your grace, thank you for your sacrifice, let my life be an offering to you, let everything I do be done for your glory. Help me to love others in the same way you love me. I want to know you better and better with each new day, fill me with your Spirit, continue to speak to me and guide me. Give me wisdom and patience. Be with my family and keep them safe. And God, please continue to bless America, I don't want my home to burn down. Amen.

     Okay, time for disclaimers. While writing this I became painfully aware of how little I know about history, politics, current events, my religion, grammatical rules, (particularly those pertaining to commas and semi-colons) and just things in general. So on behalf of my ignorance, I apologize. In addition to my ignorance, I'm also sorry if at any particular point, you felt that my words were shouting at you through your screen. It was not my intention to berate you, however it was my intent to sort of...strike a match under your britches. Which coincidentally sounds much, much worse. Please forgive me.

     Just a bit more. Marcia and Edson Suzuki, the missionaries who adopted Hakani, are part of a worldwide missions organization called Youth With a Mission. And the founder of Youth With a Mission, Loren Cunningham, happens to also be the author of several books, more specifically, importantly and pertinently, the author of this one:

     The Book that Transforms Nations talks about how the Bible is full of universal truths that have the power to transform nations and gives specific examples of how nations have prospered when these truths are applied and then also how they declined when these truths were ignored. He also points out what those truths are and how to apply them. For example, God is infinite and personal, unified and diverse. Man is finite and fallen but redeemable and valuable and this knowledge is the basis for any thriving society. And I won't get into it but basically everyone should read it. Cool.

     One last paragraph. Youth With a Mission also happens to be the same organization that I am a part of for the next two years as a staff member in the Discipleship Training School here in Honolulu, Hawaii where we train and equip students "to know God and make Him known" through ten weeks of lectures and then an eight to ten week-long mission trip to Asia. We run three over-lapping schools a year. The first starts in September, the second in January, and the third in April. I will be leading a trip to Asia during our January school. Right now I am on support-staff for our September school which has thirty-three students. I am extremely blessed and privileged with this opportunity to be a part of God's plan in all these young people's lives. Thank you to my family, friends, church and all my supporters, none of this is possible without your prayers and donations. Thanks for reading, be blessed!

Brice Livingston
(716) 800-7991

1 comment:

  1. Brice!

    My heart is overjoyed as I see the work of Holy Spirit in your life- you are being shaped more and more into who you were created to be - an image bearer of Jesus!

    Your words are powerful and appreciated. I miss you!

    I hope to talk sooner than later :)
